i've got soul but i'm not a soldier
Friday, Feb. 18, 2005, 23:35

i'm sorta baiting matt... and it's kinda fun.

yesterday was thursdeay. the usual go to dennys with matt and heather was in effect but i got a call from matt at one am thursday morning asking if i could help him open monona cuz he had a bunch of big orders.

stupid me accepted. stupid me stayed at dennys for another hour and a half... stupid me couldnt fall aslep when i did finally get home.

so i was there for a few hours. then i went home and slept until my real work day.

and heather had to call in cuz her parents had a thing so she had to watch her grandma and she told me it was up to me whether or not we go.

i called matt and told him it was off.

i told him he should call heather if he still wanted to go and he said 'i dont want to drive all the way to the west side if you arent gonna be there'

and i called him later and asked him if he'd close for me for a poptart

he said no. then he invited me over to his house.

i said no cuz i was beat. beefy told me that he's 'heard it mentioned' that matt has a thing for me and never really did anything cuz i've been obsessed with jerms.

today after i got off, i came home, then after breaking my bed again, i went to monona to bug matt.

at some point our convo turned to me not having any friends except people i work with. him and heather.

i said 'it's ok cuz you're pretty... and heather's funny shit'

and the face he got.

it's fun.

i wonder what will come of it

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