the longest days off
Tuesday, Mar. 15, 2005, 01:30

things have been crazy as of late. nico and i got in a huge fight the other night because i called him to tell him that matt was spending then night because he showed up at my house completely wasted after hanging out with friends and i didnt want him to drive home.

nico decided he wanted to move out. i spent the next three days trying to figure out why and how to make him not. because as much as he bugs me, i still want and need him there.

today i got to work and when aaron showed up to pick up his check nico told aaron that he quit. he shift changed with me and he went home.

he's not moving out now... but still doesnt feel comfortable living with me... but thinks it may not be as bad once we dont work together anymore.

so tonight i came home to my dads because he has to get the crown vic appraised and i've had it for the past week. i thought this was going to be simple and i would be able to go home later tomorrow.

i got home and dad tells me i'm not leaving til thursday.

i had plans to use my two days off to get together all the money owed me so i could pay off everyone who is fixing my car.

so now i'm stranded here for two more days at least. i'm cranky and depressed.

matt says he's willing to drive up here and spend the day with me on wednesday because he's just so nice and pretty. as long as i can get away for a few hours on wednesday... which i'm serriously hoping for cuz if i cant i'll probably cry... i'll have him drive out and we can watch the incredibles... or go to a movie... or webbs... or something.

called nico earlier cuz i need him to do me some favors while im stuck out here. i cried and he ended up starting a game of 20 questions but our phones are fighting and not speaking so we didnt get to finish the game.

so far i know it's an animal (with the possibility of it being a mineral) it has two arms, two legs, is real in the way that santa clause is real, is or had a sort of cult following in the eighties, speaks english, and is not really for children under 7...

i'm not good at this game...

cuz i'm stuck

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