Monday, Sept. 05, 2005, 15:22

second entry today... but something just came up.

i was working... i made a small batch of iced tea... the thing i am currently addicted to, and it made me think of jeremy.

he drinks tea, and i hate it. hated it. we once, at george webb's, made a fake tea bag out of a coffee filter and a paper clip and a rubber band...

he was drinking orange tea, the color not the flavor.

i also started thinking about him. just him. the way he smelled and how he tasted when he kissed me after smoking his pipe. his hair.

and then about the way i'm a legend up in bemidji for random things i have done that he has told his friends about 'i've seen fall', 'gotta keep greenpeace working'...

and i realized that i will never ever stop loving him.

i know that never in a million years he would say to me 'sara, i want you', but i dont want him.

it's a strange feeling.

i would never give up matt for jeremy, but all the feelings i've had for him are still there. and when i think about him i dont think about the bad times, just the fun stuff.

he'll always just be a friend... and that's fine with me

and that's why matt shouldnt worry about me when i do eventually hang out with him. i love matt with all of my beans. and i love jeremy as a friend.

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