the books to read before i die
Friday, Nov. 18, 2005, 20:55

i foundthis website and have decided that this is the list i am going to follow. and i am going to keep this list going as a read.

because i want to read all two hundred and twenty some books on this list (plus all the others in the world, but i'll start with these)

my key:
*** = i've read it. There are some that i've read while i was younger, or assigned in school... but for the most part all of these were my choice to read... you can guess which were the assignments

&&&= i own it, but i havent gotten around to reading it yet. *sigh* it's depressing really. (but what's really depressing is that i havent read "where the wild things are")

%%%= i've started it, i just havent finished it. some of these i am currently reading (catch 22) and some (LOTR) i dont know when i'll get back to, or will have to re-start.

so, here's the list: (it's long!!)

***Fitzgerald, F. Scott Great Gatsby, The 1925***
Orwell, George Nineteen Eighty Four 1949
%%%Heller, Joseph Catch 22 1961%%%
Steinbeck, John Grapes of Wrath, The 1939
Nabokov, Vladimir Lolita 1955
Joyce, James Ulysses 1922
Orwell, George Animal Farm 1945
***Golding, William Lord of the Flies 1954***
Salinger, J. D. Catcher in the Rye, The 1951
***Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. Slaughterhouse Five 1969***
***Aldous Brave New World 1932***
Ellison, Ralph Invisible Man 1952
Faulkner, William Sound and the Fury, The 1929
Joyce, James Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A 1916
Hemingway, Ernest Sun Also Rises, The 1926
Wright, Richard Native Son 1940
***Kerouac, Jack On the Road 1957***
Woolf, Virginia To the Lighthouse 1927
Lee, Harper To Kill a Mockingbird 1960
Walker, Alice Color Purple, The 1982
Wharton, Edith Age of Innocence, The 1920
Morrison, Toni Beloved 1987
Hemingway, Ernest Farewell to Arms, A 1929
Mitchell, Margaret Gone With the Wind 1936
%%%Tolkien, J. R. R. Lord of the Rings 1956%%%
***White, E. B. Charlotte's Web 1952***
&&&Burgess, Anthony Clockwork Orange, A 1962&&&
London, Jack Call of the Wild, The 1903
Cather, Willa My Antonia 1918
Hurston, Zora Neale Their Eyes Were Watching God 1937
Hemingway, Ernest Old Man and the Sea, The 1952
Du Maurier, Daphne Rebecca 1938
***Irving, John World According to Garp, The 1978***
Wharton, Edith Ethan Frome 1911
Kesey, Ken One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1962
Forster, E. M. Room With a View, A 1908
Fitzgerald, F. Scott Tender is the Night 1934
Forster, E. M. Passage to India, A 1924
***Steinbeck, John Of Mice and Men 1937***
Warren, Robert Penn All the King's Men 1946
Forster, E. M. Howard's End 1910
Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness 1902
Graves, Robert I, Claudius 1934
Styron, William Sophie's Choice 1979
Buck, Pearl S. Good Earth, The 1931
Rand, Ayn Fountainhead, The 1943
***Tolkien, J. R. R. Hobbit, The 1937***
%%%Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 1952%%%
Rhys, Jean Wide Sargasso Sea 1966
***Atwood, Margaret Handmaid's Tale, The 1986***
Faulkner, William As I Lay Dying 1930
Heinlein, Robert A. Stranger in a Strange Land 1961
Milne, A. A. Winnie the Pooh 1926
Lawrence, D. H. Women in Love 1920
Lawrence, D. H. Sons and Lovers 1913
Baldwin, James Go Tell It on the Mountain 1953
Lawrence, D. H. Lady Chatterley's Lover 1928
Morrison, Toni Song of Solomon 1977
Updike, John Rabbit, Run 1960
Upton Jungle, The 1906
***Smith, Betty Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A 1947***
Anderson, Sherwood Winesburg, Ohio 1919
Hammett, Dashiell Maltese Falcon, The 1930
Mailer, Norman Naked and the Dead, The 1948
James, Henry Wings of the Dove, The 1902
Hemingway, Ernest For Whom the Bell Tolls 1940
Spark, Muriel Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The 1962
Dreiser, Theodore American Tragedy, An 1925
Ford, Ford Madox Good Soldier, The 1915
***Baum, L. Frank Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The 1900***
Lewis, Sinclair Main Street 1920
Miller, Henry Tropic of Cancer 1934
Cather, Willa Death Comes for the Archbishop 1927
Tan, Amy Joy Luck Club, The 1989
Dreiser, Theodore Sister Carrie 1900
Dos Passos, John U.S.A. (trilogy) 1930/37
Joyce, James Finnegans Wake 1939
DeLillo, Don White Noise 1985
Waugh, Evelyn Brideshead Revisited 1945
Faulkner, William Light in August 1932
Stegner, Wallace Angle of Repose 1971
Wharton, Edith House of Mirth, The 1905
Wolfe, Thomas Look Homeward, Angel 1929
Lessing, Doris Golden Notebook. The 1962
Rand, Ayn Atlas Shrugged 1957
Roth, Philip Portnoy's Complaint 1969
Jones, James From Here to Eternity 1951
James, Henry Ambassadors, The 1903
James, Henry Golden Bowl, The 1904
Kingsolver, Barbara Bean Trees, The 1988
Clarke, Arthur C. 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968
Byatt, A. S. Possession 1990
Lowry, Malcolm Under the Volcano 1947
O'Connor, Flannery Good Man is Hard to Find, A 1955
Maugham, W. Somerset Of Human Bondage 1915
&&&Burroughs, William S. Naked Lunch 1959&&&
McCullers, Carson Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, The 1940
Herbert, Frank Dune 1965
Butler, Samuel Way of All Flesh, The 1903
Toole, John K. Confederacy of Dunces, A 1980
McMurtry, Larry Lonesome Dove 1986
Graham, Kenneth Wind in the Willows, The 1908
Conrad, Joseph Lord Jim 1900
Bellow, Saul Henderson the Rain King 1959
Kipling, Rudyard Kim 1901
O'Hara, John Appointment at Samarra 1934
Doctorow, E. L. Ragtime 1975
Farrell, James T. Studs Lonigan: A Trilogy 1932/35
Uris, Leon Exodus 1957
Wilder, Laura Ingalls Little House on the Prairie 1935
***Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. Cat's Cradle 1963***
Allison, Dorothy Bastard Out of Carolina 1992
Wilder, Thornton Bridge of San Luis Rey, The 1927
Waugh, Evelyn Handful of Dust, A 1934
Lewis, Sinclair Babbit 1922
Plath, Sylvia Bell Jar, The 1963
Smiley, Jane Thousand Acres, A 1991
Shaara, Michael Killer Angels, The 1974
Proulx, E. Annie Shipping News, The 1993
Rushdie, Salman Midnight's Children 1981
Greene, Graham Heart of the Matter, The 1948
Keneally, Thomas Schindler's List 1982
Cheever, John Wapshot Chronicle, The 1957
Dickey, James Deliverance 1970
Guterson, David Snow Falling on Cedars 1994
Powell, Anthony Dance to the Music of Time, A (series) 1951/75
Adams, Richard Watership Down 1972
Huxley, Aldous Point Counter Point 1928
Percy, Walker Moviegoer, The 1961
Conrad, Joseph Secret Agent, The 1907
Woolf, Virginia Mrs. Dalloway 1925
Conrad, Joseph Nostromo 1904
Lawrence, D. H. Rainbow, The 1915
Shields, Carol Stone Diaries 1994
***Irving, John Prayer for Owen Meany, A 1989***(three times
Sendak, Maurice Where the Wild Things Are 1963
Achebe, Chinua Things Fall Apart 1959
Haley, Alex Roots 1976
Nabokov, Vladimir Pale Fire 1962
Kennedy, William Ironweed 1983
Salinger, J. D. Franny and Zooey 1961
Porter, Katherine Anne Pale Horse, Pale Rider 1939
Rushdie, Salman Satanic Verses, The 1988
Morrison, Toni Jazz 1992
Ford, Ford Madox Parade's End 1924/28
Faulkner, William Absalom, Absalom! 1936
Archer, Jeffrey Kane and Abel 1980
Beerbohm, Max Zuleika Dobson 1911
***Lewis, C. S. Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The 1950***(the rest of the series as well)
Woolf, Virginia Orlando 1928
Doyle, Arthur Conan Hound of the Baskervilles, The 1902
Roth, Henry Call It Sleep 1934
Woolfe, Tom Bonfire of the Vanities 1987
Gordimer, Nadine Burger's Daughter, The 1979
Knowles, John Separate Peace, A 1959
Bradley, Marion Zimmer Mists of Avalon, The 1983
Gibbons, Kaye Ellen Foster 1987
Burns, Olive-Ann Cold Sassy Tree 1984
Durrell, Lawrence Alexandria Quartet, The 1957/60
Hughes, Richard High Wind in Jamaica, A 1929
Ishiguro, Kazuo Remains of the Day, The 1989
***Adams, Douglas Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The 1979***(the rest of the series as well)
Naipaul, V. S. House for Mr. Biswas, A 1961
Steinbeck, John East of Eden 1952
Wouk, Herman War and Remembrance 1978
Paton, Alan Cry, the Beloved Country 1948
West, Nathanael Day of the Locust, The 1939
Drury, Allen Advise and Consent 1959
Michener, James A. Centennial 1974
Puzo, Mario Godfather, The 1969
Waugh, Evelyn Scoop 1938
Hemingway, Ernest In Our Time 1925
Morrison, Toni Sula 1973
***King, Stephen Stand, The 1978***
Finney, Jack Time and Again 1970
Bellow, Saul Adventures of Augie March, The 1953
Cather, Willa O Pioneers! 1913
Morrison, Toni Bluest Eye, The 1969
Naipaul, V. S. Bend in the River, A 1979
Bowen, Elizabeth Death of the Heart, The 1938
Burroughs, Edgar Rice Tarzan of the Apes 1914
McCullough, Colleen Thorn Birds, The 1977
Bennett, Arnold Old Wives' Tale, The 1908
Carr, Caleb Alienist, The 1994
Berg, Elizabeth Talk Before Sleep 1994
Green, Henry Loving 1945
Guest, Judith Ordinary People 1976
Pilcher, Rosamunde Shell Seekers, The 1987
Brown, Rita Mae Rubyfruit Jungle 1973
Caldwell, Erskine Tobacco Road 1932
Fitzgerald, F. Scott This Side of Paradise 1920
Conroy, Pat Prince of Tides, The 1986
Fowles, John French Lieutenant's Woman, The 1969
Fowles, John Magus, The 1966
Murdoch, Iris Under the Net 1954
Fitzgerald, F. Scott Beautiful and Damned, The 1922
Price, Reynolds Kate Vaiden 1986
Bowles, Paul Sheltering Sky, The 1949
Cain, James M. Postman Always Rings Twice, The 1934
de Bernieres, Louis Corelli's Mandolin 1994
Forster, E. M. Where Angels Fear to Tread 1905
Agee, James Death in the Family, A 1957
Donleavy, J. P. Ginger Man, The 1955
Michener, James A. Hawaii 1959
Tarkington, Booth Magnificent Ambersons, The 1918
White, T. H. Once and Future King, The 1953
Galsworthy, John Forsyte Saga, The 1922
Chandler, Raymond Big Sleep, The 1939
Trumbo, Dalton Johnny Got His Gun 1959
Oates, Joyce Carol Them 1969
Tyler, Anne Breathing Lessons 1988
Blume, Judy Are You There God, It's Me Margaret 1970
Tyler, Anne Accidental Tourist, The 1985
O'Connor, Flannery Wise Blood 1952
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan Yearling, The 1948
Wouk, Herman Winds of War, The 1971
Maugham, W. Somerset Razor's Edge, The 1944
Steinbeck, John Pearl, The 1947
Wilson, Colin Outsider, The 1956
Welty, Eudora Curtain of Green, A 1941
Greene, Graham End of the Affair, The 1951
Wouk, Herman Caine Mutiny, The 1951
Stone, Irving Agony and the Ecstasy, The 1961

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