the day i saw the flamingos at the zoo
Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2005, 00:18

today is heather's 21st birthday.

happy drunk day to heather.

i wont be 21 for another two months but it's no big deal. matt promised he'd go out and buy her a drink or two.

i went with but ended up having to leave cuz, alas, though i was not drinking, i was also not 21.

so i came home and ordered pizza

and i'm watching forensic files waiting for it to show up.

i hope it's soon cuz i have to pick up matt eventually... he let me take Hester (his car, he let me name her) and i told him i'd come back and pick him up.

i didnt want to make him leave.

i wish i coulda stayed cuz andy and timmy were on their way... maybe they'll come out for my 21st.

mmm... forensic files

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