coffee card
Sunday, Sept. 11, 2005, 09:04

i just had a customer who wanted to get a gift card. the store i work at is a little store, not a ton of business. we dont keep a whole slew of gift cards on premisis and i think that they had a total of, like, fifty. as people use them up and decide not to refil them, we de-activate them and put them in a cup so other people can use them. we dont like wasting things in this business. hell, we charge MORE for the disposable coffee container for catering orders simply because we dont want people to kill trees.

so this woman comes in and i pull a card out of the cup under the counter. it's got that swipe mark on it, but they all do. i add her twenty dollars and hand her the reciept that states her balance.

she looks at it and holds it back out to me "can i have a clean one?" she says in a snotty tone

"i just put your 20 dollars on that one"

"you dont have a clean one? cant you put it on that one?"

"no, that will mess up our credit card machine at the end of the night. we dont have one that's much better than that anyway"

after she signs her credit card slip she gives me another snotty tone "dont you have a sleeve or something to put these in?"


is it so wrong for me to think that she was being really picky and rude about something really really stupid??

or am i just tired and crabby.

i just dumped fresh coffee all over my hand cuz i'm a big monkey.

it hurts


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