shoes shoes shoes
Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005, 12:20

only three hours into my 12ish hour work day and already tired.

i had the best, most depressing dream last night. one of those dreams that is so wonderful, so interactive, that you wake up upset that it didnt really happen.

a little background info first:

1. my boyfriend owns more shoes than i do. if you look in the front closet you will see no floor, but a pile of shoes... i can never find mine in this pile.

2. I own five pairs of shoes (-my blue work shoes
-my chucks (essential)
-my gray running shoes that i should really throw away
-the gray other shoes with the orange stripe that i never wear
-and the brown cordoroy slip ons that i LOVE) and two pairs of sandals (-the flip flops which wear out and change every two years
-and the sandals i've had since 8th grade that are held together with safety pins)... except for the slip on's and the work shoes, i have had the rest for a year or more...

3. i am tall... i stay far away from heels, my boyfriend is short and it's sort of depressing to be so much taller than him when he's not wearing shoes and i am... i also have big big feet. and it is therefore impossible to find cute shoes, without heels, in my size.

so... guess what this dream was about.

it was the most amazing shoe store ever. i got the most adorable pair of flats, some shoes that rival the pink pair (my old work shoes) in coolness, and a pair of knee high, hookerish boots with no heel.

and they were ALL ON SALE!!!


... my style is definatly changing... it's becoming more adult, but you can see parts of my old fashion sense in everything that i buy, make, and ooh&aah over... and i get cranky when i dont have shoes that go...

i'm turning into a girl...

and so that is why i had a good bad dream...

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