Friday, Dec. 09, 2005, 17:12

who can i talk to (strangle) about getting the laws changed about when a kid (adult) is legaly independant of thier parents (who havent given thier kids any money or financial support other than providing an occasional dinner when the kid goes home, or buying them a sweater, or books... for no reason at all... once or twice IN THREE YEARS!!!)

i am financially and moraly and personaly independant. i have had a job and payed my own bills since i was 18 (granted, i am only now 21 - and getting severly close to 22 - but isnt that long enough) i dont even live in the same city as them!

and now i want to go to school. and since i'm smart and haven't gotten pregnant yet. and i'm wise and havent gotten married yet (i was close). and i wasnt a ward of the state until i was 18... i'm still considered a dependant of my parents.

my parents have four - sometimes five - kids living at home with them. ages 20, 13, 12, 9, and 2 months. I SEND THEM MONEY every month because i owe dad from way back when - medical bills and such.

I SEND THEM MONEY!!! seriously.

and i have all these forms to fill out to get financial aid and they all want my parents information.

and their signatures.

i live an hour and a half away... how the hell do i get signatures, or anything for that matter, out of two people who have a house full of young kids to deal with and full time jobs to contend with?

i'm about ready to give up on going to school for the time being... wait until i get married... or turn 24... it's only two years.

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