why being tall is not cool
Saturday, Jan. 07, 2006, 15:58

i'm so fucking sick of well proportioned short girls, whether they be bosses or managers, saying to me "youre breaking dress code because your shirt is not long enough"

i want to say to them "fuck you..." but instead i say "i forgot my belt today, or my shirt shrunk in the wash" but most of all i want to give them this rant:

I DO NOT DRESS LIKE THIS ON PURPOSE i do not go out and purchase clothes that do not cover... making me look like a 16 year old icky girl...

notice how u are looking up to look into my eyes?? I AM TALL... i am an easy 6 feet tall, put me in some shoes... any kind of shoes... and i break that barrier.

yea, my legs are long, but so is my torso. i go out and buy shirts that cover perfectly, u know, until i wash them... or put them on...

i cannot afford to spend a fortune at "big and tall" shops i am poor. luckily one of the new in fashons is tunic shirts... which actually look just like regular shirts on me... but, again, i am poor, i only have three.

also, my boobs are big. not enormus, but big enough that they take up precious cover-the-belly space with their outward motion.

none of these things are my fault. i do my best and trust me, i hate showing skin as much as your fucking dress code does... so go fuck yourself u normal sized person.


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