Monday, Jan. 24, 2005, 01:11

last night as i was leaving dennys i stopped in the entryway with aaron and had a talk.

mostly it was about bekah. about how, when she has a boyfriend, no one else that she knows exists. and how, when it's over, she wonder's why no one is there for her.

he said that he told her that maybe she should call me (interesting sentence) and he said that she replied "why has she been saying i should?"

now aaron tends to exagerate, but this sounds like her... or at least 'i'm with a boyfriend' her.

he also told me that all of the denny's crew that like me like me because i'm me... and i'm mature and fun and cool. not because they like bekah like i sometimes wondered. i met them because of her, but they like me because of me.

i'm so self hating sometimes

work today was pretty slow.

matt told heather straight out that he doesnt like her... in a friend way yea, but not like her like her.

maybe now i have a shot... haha

alright. i need to shower.


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